weeks ago. To Wikimedia the challenge is on, the foundation is a San francisco based non profit organisation that operates the famous Wikipedia a free encyclopedia. We have all used this free encyclopedia and i know for such that none of us has been disapointed with the results we received. According to Kat Walsh, What he excepts from an Executive Director is that she or he reports to the Board of Trustees and acts in partnership with the global volunteer community, providing the leadership and setting the strategy for the Wikimedia Foundation, while managing its day-to-day operations and activities. The Executive Director is expected to understand and advance the Wikimedia movement’s core values, have proven management skills in technology and product development, improve the traffic on the website, designing and implementing planning processes with a high built-in assumption of fast and iterative change. More on the details on this position and if you want to forward a person use this [email protected]. Walsh concluded and said that Information from Wikipedia Blogs