Publishing on LinkedIn

With a very subtle change on the website, everyone can now blog. When you log into your LinkedIn, click on the pencil icon in status update box. This will bring an editor that will enable you create a post add images Video just like a WordPress editor

Adoption and functionality

The professional network has been careful enough not to become irrelevant by introducing new and relevant features that have kept it on a positive growth trajectory. From the earlier LinkedIn groups that were a huge success to the acquisition of Pulse the news aggregation service that was later turned into LinkedIn Pulse. Creating a publishing platform for all is going to be something new and we will be following to see what value it adds to the professional social network. From the testing done, LinkedIn might not have a problem with adoption of their new platform however, making it work, may be a different thing. In Uganda, not many people use LinkedIn and the few who do, do not use it regularly. According to the data we collected on the Storipot project, there are not more than 1000 blogs in Uganda.  The current popular publishing platforms like WordPress and Blogger are used by very few Ugandans so adding another may not work for Ugandans but once again that is just a speculation. How many of you use LinkedIn regularly? let us know in the comments Image:

Now you all can blog on LinkedIN  publishing platform opened to all English speaking countries - 8Now you all can blog on LinkedIN  publishing platform opened to all English speaking countries - 93