On whether this is a good deal or not is an argument for another day. From reports, LinkedIn is profitable and has been posting growth in multiple areas year on year. According to official announcement , LinkedIn has had;

19 percent growth year over year (YOY) to more than 433 million members worldwide 9 percent growth YOY to more than 105 million unique visiting members per month 49 percent growth YOY to 60 percent mobile usage 34 percent growth YOY to more than 45 billion quarterly member page views 101 percent growth YOY to more than 7 million active job listings

According to Nadella, LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner is also positive about the move and had this to say Though not many use or see much value in LinkedIn in Uganda, It is the widest professional network connecting talent and companies across the globe. After Microsoft acquired Skype, it has not become what I expected of it and I hope that LinkedIn will grow to greater heights under Microsoft leadership. Image: Microsoft